Saturday, February 24, 2007

“Martin’s Answer to the Ashley Treatment”

I found this new website from Ruth, at Wheelie Catholic.

Introducing, Martin.

Martin lives with his parents and 3 brothers in my homestate of Illinois. Martin's parents share their experiences raising a child with a disability similar to that of Ashley X. They share their philosophy of life, along with wonderful pictures of their family on their recently started blog.

Here’s what they say,

“Our intent is show that extreme measures are not an option. Our child's name is Martin and he has disabilities as severe, if not more so, than Ashley. Martin lives at home, is growing to a normal size and stature, and he will continue to do so without medical intervention to stunt his growth.”

Welcome to the blogworld, Martin and family! I look forward to reading more of your blog.

And, finally, thanks to Koufax-award-nominated Blue, whose Saturday Slumgullions are always on top of current events, links to two recent posts about the Ashley Treatment:
Medical Ethics Malfunction, by Reuben Apple and Protest From A Bad Cripple -The Ashley Treatment and the Making of a Pillow Angel by William Peace.

Picture from Martin's blog

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