A Blogswarm on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
One year ago today, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was opened for signatures. It had been adopted by the U.N. in December, 2006, and on March 30, 2007.
The goal of the convention is a simple one - recognize persons with disabilities as people - people with rights. You can find the complete document and also answers to frequently asked questions about the convention are answered are answered at the U.N.'s Enable site. To date, 17 countries have ratified this important human rights convention.

I hope you'll head over to Ratify Now for a blogswarm. What's Ratify Now? If you read the first comment below, Andrea explains that it is an organization with worldwide membership focused on the ratification of the Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. What's a blogswarm? Head over and you won't be disappointed. You'll find information about the convention and the thoughts and perspectives on this historic convention of writers from around the world.
And the United States? We have not ratified the convention.
Check out the blogswarm!
April 2 - Edited to clarify Ratify Now.